GranuFlo Claims

GranuFlo Claims Attorney

GranuFlo is a chemical substance used during the dialysis process for many patients who suffer from chronic kidney disease or other issues relating to renal functioning. Unfortunately, it has recently come to light that GranuFlo is linked to the development of serious health problems in users. In particular, many patients treated with GranuFlo suffered an elevated rate of cardiac events, some of which were fatal. For this reason, GranuFlo has been recalled.

Nevertheless, far too many individuals have already been exposed to the dangers of GranuFlo use. As a result, those who have suffered injury or illness as a result of GranuFlo may be entitled to seek compensation for their resulting losses. If you have been a victim of GranuFlo’s side effects, the attorneys at The Foley Firm know how much of a challenge it can be to deal with the consequences on your own, and we are committed to helping individuals in your position make a strong fight for the compensation they need.

GranuFlo Side Effects

GranuFlo has been linked to a range of different medical effects, including the following:
  • Heart attacks
  • Stroke
  • Wrongful death
  • Cardiopulmonary arrest
While nothing can erase the damage that can result from GranuFlo use, a successful lawsuit can provide you with much-needed financial compensation to help you deal with the effects of a resulting injury or illness.

Talk to a GranuFlo Lawyer

If you have been injured or suffered illness as a result of the harmful effects of GranuFlo, you don’t have to deal with the consequences by yourself. Contact the lawyers at The Foley Firm today at 832-888-8888 to speak with a qualified legal professional and learn more about what we can do for you.
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