Depakote Claims

Depakote Lawsuit Attorney

Valproic acid, more commonly known by its trade name Depakote, has been used successfully by medical professionals to help patients treat migraines, seizures, and bipolar disorder. Unfortunately, the medication has recently been linked to the development of serious birth defects among the children of women who took Depakote during pregnancy, with implications that can potentially alter a child’s life permanently.

For this reason, the manufacturers of Depakote may be held liable for the consequences that mothers and their children may have to deal with as a result of Depakote use during pregnancy. If your child suffers from a birth defect caused by Depakote use, the attorneys at The Foley Firm understand the serious challenges you may be facing, and we work tirelessly to help the victims of Depakote fight for the compensation they and their families deserve.

Potential Side Effects of Depakote Use

Depakote use during pregnancy has been associated with an increased risk of children developing a range of different, serious health problems, including:
  • Cleft Palate
  • Spina Bifida
  • Polydactyly
  • Atrial Septal Defect
  • Hypospadias
  • Craniosyntosis
The effects of any of these health problems can be devastating physically, financially, and emotionally for your family. That’s why our dedicated team of legal professionals is fully prepared to provide effective legal representation to clients whose children suffer from any of these issues as a result of prenatal Depakote use.

Talk to a Depakote Lawyer Today

If your child has suffered adverse health effects because of Depakote exposure during pregnancy, you don’t have to simply accept the consequences. We can help you take action. Contact the lawyers from The Foley Firm today at 832-778-8182 to learn more about what we can do for you in this difficult situation.
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